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Bariatric surgery




ABariatric surgeryit improves quality of life and is the best solution for weight-related health problems that can become life-threatening if not treated in time.

do a procedurebariatricand improve your health, avoiding chronic problems.


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Bariatric surgery

Bariatric surgery is a type of surgical procedure performed to help weight loss in people who are morbidly obese or who suffer from serious weight-related health problems. There are several types of bariatric surgery, including gastric sleeve, biliopancreatic diversion and gastric bypass. These procedures work restricting the amount of food that the stomach can store or alter the way food is digested and absorbed by the body.

What is the purpose of bariatrics?

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Bariatric surgery also called gastroplasty, obesity surgery or even stomach reduction, it's a stomach surgery, carried out with the aim of reducing weight of people with very high BMI, being able to significantly modify the size of the stomach and modify the trajectory of food, which causes increased satiety and reduced calorie intake. This way, the patient is able to observe a weight loss within a time that, previously, would be unthinkable to achieve.

This surgery, beyond weight loss, also helps in the remission of diseases related to obesity. Therefore, a Bariatric surgery can increases the longevity and improves quality of life.

Calculate your BMI


your result

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Who is it for?

The World Health Organization (WHOindicates this surgery for two kind of patients: first for those with BMI over 35 who have illnesses like apnea, arterial hypertension, joint problems, diabetes, among others. The second profile is for patients with BMI over 40.

  • Patients with alcohol addiction;

  • Patients with intellectual conditions that make it impossible to follow the guidelines pre and post surgery;

  • Patients who already had some digestive tract surgery that makes the bariatric surgical technique impossible;

  • When the clinical risk for the patient would compromisea surgery.

  • Patients with somespecific types of genetic diseases.

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And the contraindications?

  • Sleeve Surgery or Sleeve Gastrectomy​

  • Gastric Bypass or Y Gastroplasty

  • Derivation  Biliopancreatic

  • Adjustable Gastric Band 

Some types of Bariatric

  • Removes up to 85% of the stomach, leaving behind a new, smaller stomach.

  • Keeps you fuller for longer with less food needed to fill you up

  • Less hungry during the day

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Some types of Bariatric

  • Gastric sleeve surgery is growing faster than any bariatric procedure

  • Gastric sleeve surgery is recommended more because it has few complications related to it.

  • Sleeve patients love their surgeries. If they need a repair they can perform gastric bypass.

  • Gastric bypass is commonly known as the “Golden Bariatric Surgery”

  • Gastric by-pass uses restriction and poor absolution to ensure a more effective result.

  • Bypass patients need to take vitamins for the rest of their lives to have complete digestion.

  • Forms a new, smaller stomach pouch keeping the stomach in the same place

  • A part of the small intestine is also affected.

  • Fewer calories absorbed by the body​

Some types of Bariatric

Some types of Bariatric

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