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Filling up to50%of your stomach, theIntragastric balloonIt is a non-invasive procedure, placed via endoscopy, which will make you lose weight up to30%of yourbody mass in a healthy way.


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Intragastric balloon

Intragastric balloon is a temporary device filled with saline solution or air, which is inserted into the stomach, to help with weight loss in people with obesity who have failed to lose weight through changes in lifestyle, diet, and exercise.

Balloon is usually removed after 6 months, although it can be removed earlier or let in the stomach for up to 12 months, depending on the type of balloon used and medical recomendation.


  • Minimally invasive procedure: The placement of the Intragastric Balloon is performed through an endoscopic procedure, which is less invasive than bariatric surgery. This means that the person can quickly return to normal activities and work.

  • Significant weight reduction: The Intragastric Balloon can help a person lose up to 15% to 20% of body weight within six months. This result may be significant for people with obesity who have difficulty losing weight through diet and exercise..

  • Health improvement: The weight loss resulting from the use of the Intragastric Balloon can improve a person's overall health, reducing the risk of health problems associated with obesity, such as diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure.

  • Adaptation to dietary changes: The Intragastric Balloon can help the person to adapt to a healthier diet, since the feeling of satiety reduces the appetite and helps the person to eat less.

  • Easy removal: The removal of the Intragastric Balloon is performed through a simple and fast endoscopic procedure. This means that the process is reversible, and the person may decide to continue the weight loss through dietary and lifestyle changes after the balloon is removed.

What is the purpose of
Intragastric balloon?

Intragastric balloon  aims to help with weight loss of people with obesity who had failed to lose weight through changes in lifestyle, diet, and exercise.


The Intragastric Balloon is inserted into the stomach through a non- invasive endoscopic procedure, Performed by a Gastroenterologist or General Surgeon. The patient is sedated during the procedure to reduce any discomfort.

Before the procedure, a 6 hours fasting at least is required and the procedure lasts about 30 minutes to 1 hour. After balloon placement, the person remains under observation for a few hours before being discharged. It is common to experience abdominal discomfort, nausea and vomiting in the first few weeks after the balloon is inserted, but these symptoms usually improve with time.


How is the Intragastric Balloon procedure done?

The Intragastric Balloon fills a part of the stomach of the patient, causing them to feel sacieted faster during meals, thus helping with the weight loss process. 

During the time with the balloon is in the stomach, the person must follow a balanced diet program and exercises, supervised by a medical team.

How does the Intragastric Balloon work?

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